BAILA! - Cuba is dancing!

"For us dancing is like talking. We are born dancing"
Eduardo Veitia, director of the Ballet Espanol de Cuba

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About the Movie

"For us dancing is like talking. We are born dancing"
Eduardo Veitia, director of the Ballet Espanol de Cuba

This documentary starts with a core statement on Cuba,
the philosophy of life regarding the dancing culture in Cuba.
The three carrying,
inspiring pillars of dance on the Caribbean island are illustrated by:

the classical Spanish influence
the Afro-Cuban roots
the Latin American mentality

In the meantime a diverse mixture has arisen from these three pillars,
continuously new influences keep shaping the Cuban dance.
And yet, almost everything is based on the origins mentioned above.

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Baila! MTV Interview Video    STARTEN  

Presse-Kit 1 DOWNLOAD
Das Presse-Kit 1 enthält: Infos über den Film und die Macher, einen Flyer (PDF) und ein Plakat (PDF). ZIP-Datei, 11,2 MB

Presse-Kit 2 DOWNLOAD
Das Presse-Kit 2 enthält: Verschiedene Bilder (JPG). ZIP-Datei, 9,2 MB


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